Sunday, July 31, 2016

Meet Rose Young

We love sharing our faith .We have friends that connect with us across the internet and message us with prayer requests etc. I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior when I was 5 and Clay did the same as a child. Although I love sharing the Gospel. Clay and I really feel that our "calling" is to share Life skills - although we can touch on the goodness of God. Many times when people ask me for help I talk to my mentor - Rose. Rose has been saved for over 70 years. She was married 50 years and her and her husband printed Gospel literature from around the world. Rose has also taught a Sunday School of over 1,000 and also has a outstanding singing voice. She is the mother of 7 children. From being raised in the church I have learned to go to the oldest people in church who are living it. I feel this is wisdom as some things can get really tricky and older people don't sweat the little stuff. For the last 6 months Rose and I have been talking and praying about direction and it just seemed that there is no better person to impart some Spiritual Wisdom to those who follow our blog who have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior as we did or want to learn more. Rose has a PROVEN record as well as her husband of being godly people you can see it in their "FRUIT" as the Bible says  you know them by their fruits. They have also worked through the years with many pastors, churches and have been faithful to the Gospel. Rose is a woman of prayer and has a healing ministry as well. God has told her - I'm not finished with you yet! Daily she ministers to people through her knowledge and wisdom. She is bold for Faith and witnesses everywhere she goes. I think you will be more than blessed to read her upcoming articles and we will have a link in the sidebar for her. I am telling you - You will be blessed! 

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